Les produits de financement conçus pour aider à surmonter les coûts initiaux des mises à niveau énergétiques sont essentiels pour une transformation équitable et inclusive des énergies propres à l’échelle et au rythme de cette crise climatique. Quelles sont les principales considérations pour les villes et leurs partenaires dans le choix des options de financement lors de la conception d’une énergie universelle basée sur l’équité?

Learning Outcomes:
From this webinar and the supporting resources shared, participants will be ready use financing to address:

  • Program access and participation barriers for low and moderate income (LMI) households and others without access to upfront capital and credit. 
  • Affordability challenges for households with high energy cost burdens (households in energy poverty).
  • The enormous gap between historical uptakes in energy efficiency and renewable programs and the uptakes required for this Climate Decade if we are to meet 2030 and 2050 targets commensurate with the Paris Agreement and the goal of carbon neutral cities by mid-century. 

Supplemental Resources:

CUSP’s PACE Resource Library – a living document repository of webinars, case studies, RFPs and staff reports on PACE financing, with an emphasis on building energy retrofit programs.

Part 1: background

Learn about getting started on integrating equity into your local clean energy program, including…

Part 1: presentation

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CUSP’s PACE Resource Library – a living document repository of webinars, case studies, RFPs and staff reports on PACE financing, with an emphasis on building energy retrofit programs.

Part 2: program design with a case study

Aaron Berg discusses Clean Energy Works Oregon as an example of on-bill financing program in partnership with the City of Portland. Discussion includes program’s history and evolution, approach and principles, financing strategy, implementation, and lessons learned.

Part 2: presentation

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CUSP’s PACE Resource Library – a living document repository of webinars, case studies, RFPs and staff reports on PACE financing, with an emphasis on building energy retrofit programs.

Part 3: extended discussion

Aaron Berg dives deeper into the case study of Clean Energy Works Oregon through an extended discussion with webinar participants.

Contact Information

Organizer: Allison Ashcroft allison@cuspnetwork.ca