Les véhicules électriques sont un outil important dans la lutte contre les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et l’amélioration de la qualité de l’air au niveau local. Quelles sont les principales considérations pour les villes et leurs partenaires lors de la conception de programmes portant sur les véhicules électriques en vue d’une large adoption?
Learning Outcomes:
From this webinar and the supporting resources shared, participants will be ready to:
- Define and refine the equity goals for their EV strategy/program
- Define the EV program’s eligibility and who the program will serve
- Identify, engage, and recruit the partners needed to make the program successful
- Determine preferred path for administration of the program
presentation for download
core resources
- USDN’s Guidebook on Equitable Clean Energy Program Design for Local Governments and Partners
- CUSP’s EV Resource Library. Regularly updated with case studies, staff reports and RFPs from Canadian cities.
- City of Vancouver’s EV Ecosystem Strategy.
- City of Toronto’s EV Strategy
- CUSP’s Energy Poverty and Equity Mapping Tool (including some indicators of transportation burdens)
Resources from Q&A and discussion
- What is the role of a Municipality in accelerating EV adoption?
- Pollution Probe report on Framework For Municipal Zero Emission Vehicle Deployment.
- Examples of partnerships for expanding access to EV charging infrastructure
- New York State Energy Research and Development Authority repository of case studies on improving public access to EV charging, including working with public parking garages, retail chains, hotels, hospitals, university campuses etc.
- California Plug-in EV Collaborative’s report on improving access to EV charging at Multi-Residential Buildings (MURBs): Policy checklist and EV charging infrastructure installation guide for MURB owners, property managers and Home Owner Associations.
- Pollution Probe and Delphi Group report on Zero-Emission Vehicle Charging in MURB and Garage-Orphans.
- Clean Air Partnership report with municipal case studies on improving access to EV charging at work: Creating an Effective Workplace Electric Vehicle Charging Policy
Contact Information
CUSP Organizer – Abhi, CUSP (abhi@cuspnetwork.ca)
Lead Facilitator | Parts 1 and 2 of Webinar – Farrah Andersen, Cadmus, (farrah.andersen@cadmusgroup.com)
Topic Expert | Part 3 of Webinar – Phillip Kreycik, Cadmus (phillip.kreycik@cadmusgroup.com)
Practitioner Expert | Part 4 of Webinar – Nadine Al Hajj , City of Toronto, (nadine.alhajj@toronto.ca)