Le Fonds de financement de l’efficacité communautaire (FEC) de 300 millions de dollars, lancé le 31 mars 2020, aide les municipalités et les organisations partenaires à accélérer les projets d’énergie à usage domestique en utilisant des moyens de financement innovants. Cet échange de connaissances aide les membres et les partenaires de CUSP à mieux comprendre les objectifs du FEC, les offres de financement et de renforcement des capacités, tout en aidant les bailleurs de fonds et les partenaires à mieux comprendre les priorités au niveau municipal.
Part 1: Background
This conversation led by Chris Boivin, Director of FCM’s Green Municipal Fund (GMF) provides an overview of the different components of the $1B in funding GMF received through federal budget 2019, and shares preliminary program elements that FCM is considering in the design of these programs, including the process and timing for their design and roll out.
Conversation (19/June/2019):
Part 2: Introducing Community Efficiency Financing (CEF) Program
This conversation led by Marco Iacampo, the main architect of the CEF program, talks about program components and answers technical questions about the grant, loan and partial loan guarantee program. He is then joined by Robin Goldstein of FCM’s Knowledge Services, who talks about the capacity building opportunities (peer learning, education resources, readiness assessment tool, etc.) that accompany the CEF funding offer.
Conversation (11/April/2020):
Key dates and resources
Additional details about FCM’s multiyear, multi-phased CEF program is available here: https://fcm.ca/en/programs/green-municipal-fund/community-efficiency-financing
Featured Image: Photo by Jens Behrmann on Unsplash