Sample – Custom Analyst Dashboards
The dashboard below is an example of the custom data CUSP and its partners can deliver for your community, province, or service area. In this example, CUSP worked with the District of Saanich, and a recent UBC grad student to develop a community profile of energy poverty for the municipality. The report, prepared by Mark McNaughton (student), is intended to be used by the District of Saanich to inform its climate, equity and resilience policy and planning, program design and engagement strategy for the community and the municipalities’ councilors and key stakeholders.
Have data needs? Need to better understand inequity in your community and a desire to centre equity in existing and upcoming initiatives?
We can design custom dashboards for those with ongoing needs and in-house analysts, or respond to adhoc requests to develop custom analytics and reporting.
Contact Allison Ashcroft to discuss your data needs related to climate, energy poverty, energy sources and spending, racial and economic equity, transportation commute data, and, soon to be added, community and household resilience and recovery. Allison(at)