Responding to the COVID-19 crisis, includes leveraging its ‘terrible opportunities’ to advance climate action, resiliency, equity and affordability in Canadian cities.

Rather than a ‘return to normal’, CUSP is working towards #betterthannormal by noting observations on the disruptive, but positive systems change resulting from COVID-19. We can retain some of the gains that come from strengthening connections, sharing power, braving to act absent all the data and exhaustive analysis, and willing ourselves and our systems to be agile and adaptable.

Responding to the Crisis

CUSP, along with other partners, are supporting the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) in the development and maintenance of up-to-the minute information on two new platforms to help city builders stay connected to critical information during the COVID-19 crisis.

Please visit both of CUI’s sites and share among your networks.

CityWatch is an interactive tool tracking emergency response measures put in place by local governments across Canada.

CityShare is a crowdsourced, real-time, platform that houses resources, tools and stories on how city builders and residents are responding to COVID-19.

CityTalk April 23, 2020 How do we respond to two crises: COVID-19 and climate change?

Joined by Allison Ashcroft, Managing Director, CUSP Network; Elliott Cappell, Director, Climate Change and Resilience, WSP Canada; Laurian Farrell, Director, North America/Environment Risk Management, Global Resilient Cities Network; and Jeff Hebert, Partner, HR&A Advisors.

Please subscribe to CUSP’s newsletter to be notified of new resources related to building more resilient communities through the response and recovery from COVID-19.

April 1, 2020 - Our 7 year old friend, Penelope, taking care of her COVID-19 patients. Everyone doing their part.