What if utilities and their partners had the tools to understand where energy poverty exists and could design programs and target marketing efforts to better support customers struggling with energy poverty?

Energy poverty refers to the experience of households or communities that struggle to afford their energy bills. To date, energy poverty has primarily been addressed through utility programs that are broadly available to income-qualified customers. What if utilities and their partners had the tools to understand where energy poverty exists and could design programs and target marketing efforts to better support customers struggling with energy poverty?

This invitation-only webinar about CUSP Network’s Energy Poverty and Equity Mapping Tool is designed to familiarize Canadian energy utilities with:

  1. How to explore and understand the prevalence and extent of energy poverty at various geographic scales – neighbourhoods, cities, and provinces – across Canada.
  2. How to explore the relationship between energy poverty and existing income-qualified rebate and subsidy programs to identify gaps in program coverage.
  3. How others are using the mapping tool to inform their energy efficiency and clean energy policy, programs and strategies.

webinar (abridged version)

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  • Yes, the CUSP Energy Poverty and Equity Explorer tool is available online for free at energypoverty.ca.
  • Yes, the mapping tool and all resources on the website are bi-lingual.
  • Yes, a lot of time and effort was invested into developing this pan-Canadian neighbourhood-scale mapping tool. The methodology document offers a peek behind the curtain into this process as well as the data specifications driving the mapping tool.
  • Yes, our technical user guide has additional information on what the the Energy Poverty and Equity Explorer Tool can do and how to use it, check out the
  • Yes, we actively working on making more energy poverty and equity related data available through the mapping tool. For instance, disaggregated electricity and non-electricity energy costs variables will be available by end of May 2020
  • Yes, from time to time we dig into underlying detailed dataset to provide custom data analytics and reporting (see example) for a small fee (basic cost recovery of labour).
  • Yes, please contact us with any questions, comments and feedback. Anytime.


Abhi Kantamneni | Data Insights Manager | abhi@cuspnetwork.ca

Allison Ashcroft | Managing Director | allision@cuspnetwork.ca

Additional resources on centering equity and affordability